ЦентърЮгоизточноевропейски център за семиотични изследвания
Socio semiotics; Cognitive semiotics: 13th International early fall school in semiotics: EFSS'2007, LSSS'2008. Sofia: New Bulgarian University. Southeast european center for semiotic studies, 2009
Socio semiotics; Cognitive semiotics: 13th International early fall school in semiotics: EFSS'2007, LSSS'2008. Sofia: New Bulgarian University. Southeast european center for semiotic studies, 2009
Editor: Veronika AzarovaНаучни издания
Intersubjectivity and Literature; Manipulation Strategies on Collective Unconsciousness; The Semiotic Role of Translation in Advertising; The Paradox of Shibboleth: Communitas and Immunitas in Language and Religion; The Evolution of Meaning and Discourse; Semantics, Conceptual Spaces and the Meeting of Minds.
Година на издаване: 2009
Корици: Меки
ISBN: 9789545354070
Език: Английски
Размери: 21x14
Страници: 172
Тегло: 210 грама
Издателство: Нов български университет