CentersSouth-East European Center for Semiotic Studies
MA in Brand Management
This MA program is entirely in English

The Master program offers a project-based method of study and training. The syllabus is focused on a large scale of disciplines, professional skills and research methods, which compose the variety of responsibilities of the professional brand manager, as well as other professions, related to the world of brands. The program curriculum covers some of the major areas of study: 1) marketing theory; 2) training on the creative side of branding: brand building; online branding; luxury branding; 3) courses focused on the economic strategies, international business trends and market research; 4) theory, practices and lab researches of brands; 5) weekly seminar with visiting business and marketing practitioners – students meet professionals working in the field of brand management, marketing and advertising; 6) integrated marketing communications – event management, public relations, management of the advertising process; 7) the last trends in semiotic, ethnographic and sociological approaches to research the brands and the corporate communication at large.
The study process in the program relies on the consistent use of the e-learning environment Moodle. It is a full-time study program, but Moodle makes it possible students to have a big flexibility in their attendance schedule for classes and exams.
The Master program has a well developed preparatory module for students coming from education fields not related with marketing, advertising and brand building. The program offers an additional semester for students who have the degree “professional bachelor” (180 ECTS) in professional area of Economics and Marketing.
Subject and professional qualification:
Subject – Brand Management
Professional qualification – master in Brand Management.
Professional area:
3.8 Economics
The program includes practices and training in international companies, organizations, and advertising agencies where the students could find job opportunities after graduation.
International mobility:
With the sector program Erasmus+, with bilateral agreements between NBU and foreign universities.
Competences of the program graduates:
The graduated students:
- will have theoretical knowledge about the main principals of brand management, marketing and the related creative, research and management activities;
- will have practical skills to create and develop international brands;
- will be able to do a critical evaluation of the international market and will be well prepared on the matter of the intellectual property aspects of branding;
- will have knowledge about business communication in written and verbal form in English;
- will be able to analyze markets using the lifestyle and psychographic approaches and conceive appropriate communicative strategies to reach the audience.
Collection of specific number of credits; master thesis defense or state exam.
Professional realization:
The graduates of the MA in Brand Management are qualified to work as (junior) brand managers, marketing experts on different levels in multinational companies; brand and communication consultants; in marketing/brand research agencies; in advertising agencies; in NGOs and political formations which adopt marketing tools for promotion of their goals.
Program acceptance:
In the program are accepted students with bachelor or master degree.
The candidate should have minor business or marketing knowledge.
The acceptance procedure includes interview and motivational essay.
The candidate must have at least B2 English language skills.
Department offering the program:
Southeast European Center for Semiotic Studies, Department of Economics
FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT Assist. prof. Reni Iankova, PhD (
List of the courses per semester