CentersSouth-East European Center for Semiotic Studies
Prof. Kristian Bankov, DSc
Prof. Kristian Bankov, DSc
Academic position: Full Professor
Scientific degree: PhD, DSc
Major research interests: theoretical semiotics, semiotic research of brands, of the consumer culture, digital culture and new media
Other research interests: economic value, money signs
Possible expertise in: research of brands, evaluation of study programs, analysis of new media
Teaching interests in: applied semiotics, cultural semiotics, brand management, corporate communication
1989 Secondary graduated from Technical School of Electronics, Sofia
1995 MA in Film and Drama with semiotics (DAMS Spettacolo) at the State University of Bologna (Italy),
2000 PhD in Semiotics "Intellectual Effort and Linguistic Work: Semiotic and Hermeneutic Aspects of the Philosophy of Bergson" at Helsinki University
2023 DSc in Semiotics "The Digital Mind. Semiotic explorations of Digital Culture" at NBU
Membership in organizations: Secretary General of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS/AIS)
Scientific and editorial: member of the scientific committee of the International Semiotic Institute, Kaunas University of technology, Lithuania; member of the editorial board of Lexia, Torino, Italy; and deSignis, Journal of the Latin American Federation of Semiotics
International projects:
2007 - 2009 Coordinator of the project “Sociosemiotics”, financed by HRDC - Bulgaria
2009 - 2011 Partner in the project „Cooperlink“, financed by the Italian Foreign ministry (MIUR)
2009 - 2012 Partner in SEMKNOW project for the first international PhD program in Semiotics, financed by EU
2012 - 2013 Coordinator of the project “Food and Cultural Identity”, financed by HRDC - Bulgaria
Grants: 1997-1999 Grant for a PhD by CIMO, Finnish foreign ministry; 2002, 2004 and 2006 grants from Niilo Helander Foundation for young researchers
Main publications:
- Intellectual Effort and Linguistic Work: Semiotic and Hermeneutic Aspects of the Philosophy of H. Bergson. Acta Semiotica Fennica Vol. IX, Helsinki, 2000, 168 p. (ISBN 9789519865409)
- Семиотични тетрадки. Част I: Уводни лекции по семиотика. изд. на Нов български университет, София, 2001, 143 стр. (ISBN 9545352507) (Introductory lectures in Semiotics)
- Семиотични тетрадки. Част II: Семиотика, памет, идентичност. изд. на Нов български университет, София, 2004, 164 стр. (ISBN 9545353325) (Semiotics, Memory, Identity)
- Консумативното общество. ЛИК: София, 2009, 264 p. (ISBN 978-954-607-779-0) (The Consumer Society)
- The Digital Mind: Semiotic Explorations in Digital Culture. Cham: Springer Nature, 2022.
- “Preface” in Cobley, Paul and Bankov, Kristian (eds). Semiotics and its Masters Vol. 1. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, pp. ix-xvii.
- “The copyright of my sensorimotor experience” in Marusek, Sarah (ed.) Synesthetic Legalities. Sensory Dimensions of Law and Jurisprudence: 180-199, London, New York: Routledge. ISBN: 9781472482952
- “Богдан Богданов и семиотиката“ в Банков, К. и Гочев, Г. (съст.) От думите към живота. Богдан Богданов и семиотиката, София: НБУ, 2017 г. (“Bogdan Bogdanov and Semiotics” in Bankov, K. and Gochev, G. (eds.) From Words towards Life: Bogdan Bogdanov and Semiotics, Sofia: NBU Publishing house).
- „Опит върху аналогията между език и пазарен обмен в ‚Курс по обща лингвистика‘“ в Гарнизов, В. (съст) Векът на структурализма, София: НБУ. (“Essay on the analogy between language and money in Course of General linguistics by Ferdinand de Saussure” in The century of structuralism, 2017 Garnizov, V. (ed.), NBU publishing house).
- „Approaches to the semiotics of money and economic value“ in Signs and Media (2017, Autumn issue), Chengdu: Sichuan University Press, pp. 178-192.
- “Eco and the Google Search Innovations” in Thellefsen, T. and Sørensen, B. (eds) Umberto Eco in His Own Words, Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 119-126. ISBN: 9781501515675
- “Hacia una semiótica de la transacción” [Towards a semiotics of transaction] in Pardo Abril, Neyla Graziela (ed.). Materialidades, discursividades y culturas. Los retos de la semiótica Latinoamericana, Bogotá: Istituto Caro y Cuervo. Imprenta Patriotica. pp. 176-191. ISBN: 978-958-611-360-1
- „Дим и гламур на големия екран: пушенето като изразно средство в киното“ в Бъчварова, Б. (съст), Дискурсите на тютюна, София: НБУ ( (“Smoke and glamour: smoking as an expressive means in cinema”, in Tobacco as a discourse, 2017 Batchvarova, B. (ed.), NBU publishing house).
- 2018 „From Text to Interaction“ in Digital Age in Semiotics and Communication 01 spring 2018, Sofia: NBU publishing house, pp. 9-17. ISSN (Print) 2603-3585, ISSN (Online) 2603-3593
- “Overview of Consumer Culture in Bulgaria: From Perestroika to Facebook” in Krasteva-Blagoeva, Evgenia (Ed.) Approaching Consumer Culture. Global Flows and Local Contexts, New York: Springer, 93-111. ISBN: 978-3-030-00226-8
- “Legendary brands and economic value: a semiotic approach” in The American Journal of Semiotics, 34.3-4 (2018), 273-291, doi: 10.5840/ajs201913142;
- “From Gold to Futurity: a Semiotic Overview on Trust, Legal Tender and Fiat Money” in Cheng Le and Marcel Danesi (eds.), Social Semiotics, Special Volume 29 ‘Legal Discourse analyses and their advances’, 336-350, doi: 10.1080/10350330.2019.1587833; ISSN: 1035-0330; eISSN:1470-1219
- 2019 „Cultural transformations of love and sex in the digital age“ in Digital Age in Semiotics and Communication: Love and Sex in the Digital Age. 02 autumn 2018, Sofia: NBU publishing house, pp. 7-17. ISSN (Print) 2603-3585, ISSN (Online) 2603-3593
- 2019 „The Pleasure of the Hypertext“ in Digital Age in Semiotics and Communication: Love and Sex in the Digital Age. 02 autumn 2018, Sofia: NBU publishing house, pp. 139-159. ISSN (Print) 2603-3585, ISSN (Online) 2603-3593.
- 2020.“Cyberbullying and hate speech in the debate around the ratification of the Istanbul convention in Bulgaria: a semiotic analysis of the communication dynamics”, Social Semiotics, 30:3, 344-364, DOI: 1080/10350330.2020.1731175; ISSN: 1035-0330; eISSN: 1470-1219
- 2020 “Platfospheres and the Web 2.0. Sociocultural Explosion: The Commercial Centre of the Digital Semiosphere” in Sign Systems Studies 48(2/4), 2020, 246–270
- “Flags, Identity, Memory: from nationalisms to the post-truth uses of collective symbols” in Wagner, Anne and Marusek, Sarah (eds.) 2021. Flags, Color, and the Legal Narrative. London, New York: Springer, pp. 173-189; ; ISBN: 978-3-030-32865-8.
- “Lying as a transaction of value: explorations in semiosis and communication from a new perspective” in Drăgan, Nicolae-Sorin (ed) Differences, Similarities and Meanings. The Interplay of Differences and Similarities in Communication and Semiotics, Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 151-162. ISBN 978-3110658828.
- 2021 „Overview of Semiotics of Digital Culture: Main Approaches and Prospects for the Future“ in Degrés n°184-185 hiver 2020 – printemps 2021, g0-g21. ISSN0376-8163
- 2021 “Gastromaniac. How (Food) Influencers Create Trust” Digital Age in Semiotics and Communication: Digital Gastromania. Vol III 2020/2021, Sofia: NBU publishing house, 42-57. ISSN (Print) 2603-3585, ISSN (Online) 2603-3593
- 2021 (co-author Francesco Mangiapane) “Digital Gastromania” Digital Age in Semiotics and Communication: Digital Gastromania. Vol III 2020/2021, Sofia: NBU publishing house, 7-12. ISSN (Print) 2603-3585, ISSN (Online) 2603-3593
- 2021 „Face and Trust: A Semiotic Inquiry into Influencers, Money, and Amygdala“ Sign Systems Studies 49(3/4), 2021, 527-542
- 2022. „Exploring Saussure’s Analogy Between Linguistic and Monetary Signs” in Thellefsen, T. and Sørensen, B. (eds) Ferdinand de Saussure and contemporary Semiotics, Language and Semiotic Studies, Spring 2022. Vol. 8 No. 1, 114-122.
- 2022 (co-author Dimitar Trendafilov) “Semiotics in Marketing and Branding” in Bloomsbury Semiotics II, London, New York: Bloomsbury, 319-341
- 2022 “Scarcity and Meaning: towards a Semiotics of Economic Transaction” in Cobley, Paul and Alteanu, Alin (eds). Semiotics and its Masters 2. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 111-127.
- 2022 (co-author with Evangelos Kourdis) “Introduction: Translation and transformation in audiovisual and digital culture” in Digital Age in Semiotics and Communication: Translation and transformation in audiovisual and digital culture, Volume 5, 2022 Sofia: NBU publishing house, 7-14. ISSN (Print) 2603-3585, ISSN (Online) 2603-3593;
- 2023 “Semiotic Insights on Fiat Money and Digital Currencies” in Amir Biglari 2022, Open Semiotics, 529-540
- 2023 “Being, Resistance and Post-truth” in Eero Tarasti, Transcending Signs. Essays in Existential Semiotics, Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 99-118.
Community activity: president of “No to Fear Movement” (1997-1998).
External links:
- Private website of prof. Bankov
- Kristian Bankov, „Intellectual Effort and Linguistic Work: Semiotic and Hermeneutic Aspects of the Philosophy of Bergson“, Acta Semiotica Fennica IX, International Semiotics Institute at Imatra, 2000
- „Образователната система в България“, телевизионното предаване „Boom & Bust“ с участието на проф. д-р Кристиан Банков по OnAir TV, 2013 (видео)
- „Международни академични събития в София” – предаване по БНТ за световния конгрес по семиотика и интервю на Кристиан Банков с Умберто Еко