CentersSouth-East European Center for Semiotic Studies
Assist. Prof. Dimitar Trendafilov, PhD
Assist. Prof. Dimitar Trendafilov, PhD
Академична длъжност: assistant professor
Научна степен: PhD
Основни изследователски интереси в областта на: semiotics, marketing, branding, advertising, market research
Допълнителни изследователски интереси в областта на: economic anthropology, consumer behavior
Възможности за експертиза в областта на: commercial communication, brand building and development, market behavior of organizations and individual consumers
Преподавателски интереси в областта на: marketing, communication policy, brand management, retail management, market research, knowledge management, semiotic analyses on advertising, branding and consumer behavior.
2006 „Master of Law”, University of Veliko Tarnovo „St. St. Cyril and Metodius“
2009 „Мaster of Business Administration”, major „Marketing Management“ - NBU
Членство в организации:
Участие в национални и международни проекти:
2009 - at present – Regular seminar with guest-lecturer „Meetings with Brand Managers in Bulgaria” – NBU
2009 – at present – International intensive training program „Early Fall School of Semiotics”, NBU.
2011-2013 - The European Mind – International PhD Studies for Knowledge and Value Based Society (SEMKNOW), NBU.
2014 – 2015 – RWC Semiotic Series (ESOMAR)
По-важни публикации:
Студии и статии
- The Brand as an Economic Value and a Sign: Positioning as an Instrument for Creating Market Distinctions - in “International Handbook of Semiotics”, Trifonas, Peter P. (ed.), New York/London/Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 341-368.
- Chasing the Myth: A Harley-Davidson Story(telling) - in “Semiotica”, № 204 (April), 2015, Mouton De Gruyter, pp. 315-339.
- Мем, бранд и поп-култура (Title: “Meme, Brand, and Pop-Culture”) - in Dialogue (online journal of Economic Academy “D.A. Tzenov” – Svishtov), № 1 (March), 2015, pp. 9-26. Available at: <>.
- Комуникационни характеристики на търговската марка (Title: “Communication Properties of Brand”) - in Dialogue (online journal of Economic Academy “D.A. Tzenov” – Svishtov) , № 1 (March), 2013, pp. 93-107. Available at: <>.
- Търговската марка в семиотична перспектива (Title: “Brand in Semiotic Perspective”) - in Economic and Social Alternatives (University of National and World Economy – Sofia), №4 (Dec.), 2012, pp. 146-153. Available at: <>.
- Rituals of Consumption. A Semiotic Approach towards Typology of Night Life - Italian semiotic journal “Lexia”, Leone, Massimo (ed.), Turin: CIRCe – University of Turin, №16 (July), Subject: “Culto/Worship”, 2012, pp. 527-543 (with Milena Hristova-Markova).
- Разбиране по подразбиране. Смисъл, контекст и употреба на импликатурите в общуването (Title: “Undestanding by Implication. Meaning, Context and Use of Implicatures in Communication”) - in Studia Semiotica (online issue of Southeast-European Center for Semiotic Studies – NBU, Sofia), <>), №2, 2010.
- 8. The Cognitive Process in Advertising Communication - in “Proceedings of the 10th World Congress of the IASS-AIS (A Coruña) 2009 – Culture of Communication/Communication of Culture”, Couto Cantero, P., Enríques Veloso, G., Passeri, A. and Paz Gago, J.M. (eds.), A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña, 2012, pp. 845-854.
- 9. Антигравитация - online business magazine “MixMedia” (Title: “Antigavity”) <>, year IІ, 04 Nov. 2013.
- 10. ЛогОритмуване – on “MixMedia”(Title: “LogOritm”) <>, year IІ, 01 Apr. 2013.
- Предизвикателството „търговска марка“ - on “MixMedia” (Title: “The Challenge Called “Brand”) <>, year I, 04 Sept. 2012.
- 12. Retrospective Love - on online magazine of applied semiotics “Semionaut” <>, 24 May 2015.
- 13. Brand Sense or Sensitive to Brand? - on RW Connect, online issues of ESOMAR - <>, 11 Dec. 2014.
- 14. Waffle - on “Semionaut” (<> ), 07 June 2013.
- 15. Reserved Meaning - on “Semionaut” (<> ), 28 Sept. 2012.
- 16. Beauty Calls – on “Semionaut” (<>), 10 June 2012.
- 17. Local Alternatives – on “Semionaut” (<>), 04 May 201
- 18. New Home New Language – on “Semionaut” (<>), 06 Jan. 2011.
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